
Complement is Part of the Sentence that Completes P

Complement is Part of the Sentence that Completes P
Martina Hingis defeated Yayuk Basuki (O)
Yayuk Basuki (S) was defeated by Martina Hingis.
That person cheats my sister (O)
My sister (S) was deceived by that person.
Complement (mop)
Complement (P) or complement is part of the sentence that completes P. The location of Complement is generally behind P in the form of verb. Such a position is also occupied by O, and the types of words that fill Pel and O are also the same, which can be nouns, nominal phrases, or clauses. However, there are differences between Pel and O. Notice the example below:
The two active sentences (a) and (b) where Pel and O are both filled with the Pancasila noun, if they want to be passive it can only be sentences (a) that place Pancasila as O. The sentence changes (a) into passive sentences are as follows:

Pancasila was read by the chair of the MPR.
The position of Pancasila as Pel in sentence (b) cannot be moved forward to S in passive sentences. The following example is a sentence that is not grammatical.

Pancasila is based on many orsospol.
Another thing that distinguishes Pel and O is the type of filler. In addition to being filled with nominal nouns and phrases, Complement can also be filled with adjectival phrases and prepositional phrases.

In addition, the location of the Complement is not always exactly behind P. If in the sentence there is O, the location of the mop is behind O so that the order of writing the sentence parts becomes S-P-O-Pel. Here are some supplementary examples in sentences.
Sutardji read his admirers of contemporary poetry.
Mayang tells the story of the Mouse Deer Rayhan.
The secretary fetched his boss drinking water.
Annisa sent her grandfather a velvet skullcap.
My uncle bought his son a small house.
Information (note)
Information (Ket) is part of a sentence that explains various things about the other parts of the sentence. The Ket element can function to explain S, P, O, and Pel. The position is free, can be at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of a sentence. Filler Ket is a nominal phrase, preporsional, adverb, or clause.
Based on the meaning, there are various kinds of Ket in the sentence. The experts share information on the nine kinds (Hasan Alwi et al, 1998: 366), as shown in the table below.

CHARACTERISTICS OF EFFECTIVE SENTENCES and Example Sentences as well as their Structure
The sentence is stated to be able to provide information to the reader precisely and accurately as expected by the author (effective), if it has the characteristics namely: unity of ideas, equivalence, parallels, frugality, logic, accuracy, variety, assertiveness, rigor, accuracy, structural correctness, and conciseness .

Unity of ideas
An effective sentence contains only one idea. Consider the following sentence which has more than one idea.
Example: Seeing the development of RW 06 Kampung Sidodadi population which is increasingly dense but not supported by an adequate economy and without us realizing that the increase requires adequate facilities and infrastructure.