
The Elements of Physical Fitness

The Elements of Physical Fitness
Balance training with airplane attitude
1) Objective: train the strength of leg muscles and maintain balance
2) How to do: a) Stand up straight, legs together and hands at your sides. b) Extend both arms, body bent forward. c) Lift one leg slowly straight back, until the body and legs form a horizontal line, while the head stays up (airplane posture) d) Once balanced, lift the heel of the foot into the foot and hold this position for 8 counts. e) Do it with a different fulcrum.

Balance exercise from standing then squatting
1) Objective: train the strength of leg muscles and maintain balance.
2) How to do: a) Stand up straight, legs together, and hands at the waist. b) Lift one leg slowly straight forward to form a 90 minute angle with the other foot. c) Slowly bend your knees with your foot resting until you squat and hold for a while. d) Stand up again with one leg straight straight ahead. e) Do it with a different footstool.

Balance exercise of sitting.
1) Objective: train the strength of leg muscles and maintain balance.
2) How to do: a) Sit down and keep your legs together straight forward. b) From a sitting posture, lift both legs together upward to form the letter V, hold the position for 8 counts.

Balance exercise from standing on one foot and the other leg crossed at the knee.
1) Objective: train the strength of leg muscles and maintain balance.
2) How to do: a) Movement 1, lift and bend your right leg inward, keep it as long as possible. b) Movement 2, bend your right leg out, keep it as long as possible. c) Do it repeatedly with alternating legs.

Physical fitness
The Purpose of Physical Fitness
To improve physical fitness must do regular exercise. Lack of endurance joint flexibility, strength and agility cause a person's physical condition is not perfect. The functions and objectives of physical fitness include:

Increased blood circulation system, nervous system and heart function.
Increased flexibility, stamina and speed.
Accelerate recovery of bodily functions after training or even in certain conditions such as pregnant women, the elderly and recovery after illness.
For athletes high degree of physical fitness serves to improve achievement.
Stimulate development and growth for toddlers and children.
The Concept of Physical Fitness
Physical fitness does not only describe health, but rather is a way to measure individuals doing their daily activities. Now three important things in physical fitness are:

Physical contact with muscles, bones and fat.
Organ function is related to the efficiency of the "respiratory" system of the heart, blood vessels and lungs.
Muscle response is related to speed, flexibility, weakness and strength.
In terms of physical fitness that is needed by each person is different, depending on the nature of the physical challenges faced.